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//Spheroid Script/spheroid

Package spheroid


Name Summary
Any class Any
App object App
Boolean class Boolean
ByteArray class ByteArray
Date class Date
Decimal class Decimal : Number
Device object Device
Distance class Distance(meters: Number)
Double class Double : Number
Exception class Exception(message: String)
IllegalArgumentException class IllegalArgumentException(message: String) : Exception
IllegalStateException class IllegalStateException(message: String) : Exception
LatLng class LatLng(lat: Number, lng: Number)
Loadable interface Loadable
Long class Long : Number
Number abstract class Number
Pair Represents a generic pair of two values.There is no meaning attached to values in this class, it can be used for any purpose. Pair exhibits value semantics, i.e. two pairs are equal if both components are equal.
class Pair<A : Any?, B : Any?> (first: A, second: B)
Platform object Platform
PlatformVersion interface PlatformVersion
Quaternion class Quaternion(x: Number, y: Number, z: Number, w: Number)
Source class Source(path: String)
String class String
TimeInterval class TimeInterval(days: Number?, hours: Number?, minutes: Number?, seconds: Number?, milliseconds: Number?)
Unit object Unit
UUID class UUID(value: String)
Vector3 class Vector3(x: Number, y: Number, z: Number)


Name Summary
check Throws an IllegalStateException if the value is false.
fun check(value: Boolean): Unit
Throws an IllegalStateException with the result of calling lazyMessage if the value is false.
fun check(value: Boolean, lazyMessage: () -> Any)
error Throws an IllegalStateException.
fun error()
Throws an IllegalStateException with the given message.
fun error(message: Any)
repeat Executes the given function action specified number of times.A zero-based index of current iteration is passed as a parameter to action.
fun repeat(times: Long, action: (Long) -> Unit)
require Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the value is false.
fun require(value: Boolean): Unit
Throws an IllegalArgumentException with the result of calling lazyMessage if the value is false.
fun require(value: Boolean, lazyMessage: () -> Any): Unit